Medical Hypnotherapy
Bernie Siegel, MD, author of Love, Medicine, and Miracles, writes:
"The mind and body communicate constantly with each other, but most of this communication is on an unconscious level."
Caroline Myss, PhD., author of Why People Dont Heal and How They Can, writes that:
"the truth is that healing and change are one and the same thing."
"Symbolic perception allows us to see that the real meaning of a crisis lies in showing us what we need to learn about ourselves."
"We are meant to outgrow ourselves."
and in her book Sacred Contracts:
"The blueprint for the overall healing, however, begins in the mind."
So here's the thing: our bodies and our minds are intimately connected, so much so that we holistic practitioners refer to it in its unity as "the bodymind". Basically, our subconscious thoughts and beliefs about ourselves, including those about our physical bodies, are the "code" behind the outer reality of what manifests physically! When we experience a physical dysfunction or problem of some kind it reflects an inner stuck-ness or negative or outdated construct. Again, like a television station that broadcasts 24 hours a day, your subconscious mind is always thinking about your life, even if you don't have it "tuned in" consciously!!!
So even when we are unable to otherwise medically treat a given physical condition effectively, we can still look at and work with how we think about that area of our body. I can lead you in one of many creative hypnotherapeutic approaches available for dialoguing with, examining, and re-scripting your health into a condition of freedom and power. We check in with and develop the symbolic imagery with which your deep mind is "thinking your body". And along with outward physical improvements, you make and benefit from positive changes in related spiritual, mental, emotional, and intentional conditions. Especially good when nothing else seems to be working; excellent as a safe complement to standard medical treatments!
Applications of Medical Hypnotherapy can include:
Paying Online for In-Person Sessions
Please ONLY pay for a session that you have already agreed on by phone or email or in person with Heron and before the session takes place, thank you.
$135 / 90-minute in-person in my office or by phone/Skype medical hypnotherapy session on any topic |
$460 / series of 4 90-minute medical hypnotherapy sessions to be completed within eight weeks in person or by phone/Skype: the “Get to Work!” series discount! (Not sure how many sessions you'll need? Start with just one or two, and you can still benefit from these package discounts should you choose to continue!!) |
$700 / series of 7 90-minute medical hypnotherapy sessions to be completed within twelve weeks in person or by phone/Skype: the “Make the Change” series discount! (Not sure how many sessions you'll need? Start with just one or two, and you can still benefit from these package discounts should you choose to continue!!) |
$200 / 90-minute session for two people in person or by phone/Skype |
Phone, Skype, and Email sessions
Phone and Skype sessions available worldwide
Easy payment through PayPal
Call Heron at 415-706-9740 to schedule your phone or Skype call
Email Consultations available worldwide
Easy payment through PayPal
Gets you started with answers to your questions and me pointing you toward pertinent resources!
Just email me what you're experiencing and I'll shoot you a quick response to get you pointed in a helpful direction! Great for self-starters!!
$30 / 20-minute email consultation |
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