Freedom From Smoking

More than 6,000 published scientific research papers conclude that
hypnosis is THE hands-down most effective approach to quitting smoking.

The easiest way to break bad habits is through hypnosis.

— Newsweek

Research on the effectiveness of hypnosis for quitting smoking:

To find the most effective method to stop smoking Frank L. Schmidt, PhD. and research student Chockalingham Viswesvaran from the University of Iowa used a meta-analysis, utilising the results of more than 600 studies totaling nearly 72,000 people.

The results, which were published in the Journal of Applied Psychology and included 48 studies of hypnosis covering 6000 smokers, clearly showed that hypnosis was three times more effective than Nicotine Replacement Therapy.

Hey friends!

Check out these crackerjack benefits of Smoke-ending Hypnosis:

  1. Nullifies your desire to smoke
  2. Supports you in calm, positive peace & relaxation
  3. Discovers and roots out remnant motivations from why you originally started
  4. Identifies and "installs" new, healthier habits
  5. Let's you mentally "practice" your future cigarette-free lifestyle
  6. Squashes the nicotine cravings (you'll love this one!)
  7. Integrates any other concurrent changes you want to make in your life

Why is Hypnosis For Smoking Cessation So Effective?
by Terry Doherty, United Kingdom

....Yet another benefit of hypnosis for smoking cessation is the fact that it is not pharmaceutical based. Many smoking programmes are based upon the use of drugs which are proven to have side effects on the body. Again, this is substitute behaviour and can lead to further addiction in other areas. Smoking is a true addiction and needs to be treated as such through therapy and hypnosis is a therapy that works....

When the time has come to stop smoking, hypnosis can guide the mind through the process of retraining. These steps to a new and better you are safe and drug free. The gentle nature of hypnosis combined with the ability to quit when the mind is ready to end the habit are the reasons why hypnosis is three time more effective than nicotine replacement therapy. Don't replace your nicotine addiction with some other form of vice, just open your mind and allow your subconscious to be retrained to stop smoking naturally....

This crisp, holistic, participative, feel-good work gives you the permanent, long term success you want. Its structure is a series of three sessions that centers around your chosen quit date:

My "Freedom From Smoking" package consists of three 90-minute sessions for $275 — a great deal by Bay Area standards where most pro Hypnotherapists do 60-minute sessions for $125 a pop. And if you want a further follow-up reinforcement session within 6 months to support you staying on track, you get that for a substantial discount — just $75.

Not sure which package is right for you? Call Heron and discuss your needs: 415/706-9740.

What are you waiting for? Let's get to work!!

Got questions or concerns? Free consult call to discuss what this involves and what you can expect with ZERO obligation or pressure (guaranteed warm, helpful, respectful, and human-like-you!): Heron at 415/706-9740 or email

Please ONLY pay for a session that you have already agreed on by phone or email or in person with Heron and before the session takes place, thank you.


$275 / Freedom From Smoking package (3 90-minute sessions)


$450 / Freedom From Smoking package (5 90-minute sessions)


$75 / Follow-up Reinforcement session (within 6 months)

Thanks to Chantix, Quitting Smoking May Be Hazardous, Too*
source: Wall Street Journal, May 29, 2008

The pharmaceutical company Pfizer "is preparing an advertising and public-relations campaign to counter concerns about its antismoking drug Chantix, once trumpeted as a potential billion-dollar-a-year blockbuster." So far, Pfizer has "run ads in five major newspapers in which its medical director explains Chantix's risk-benefit balance."

The drug company will soon "start hosting round-table discussions on Chantix for members of the media." The Pfizer campaign comes after an independent study linked Chantix "to 988 serious side effects in the last quarter of 2007." According to Senator Charles Grassley, who has asked the U.S. Food and Drug Administration about the drug's safety, Chantix has had "more reports of serious adverse events in this country than any other prescription drug." Some of the side effects reported for Chantix aren't currently listed in the drug's warnings. The Institute for Safe Medication Practices, which conducted the Chantix study, receives drug company funding, but not from Pfizer, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

*Heron's note:

"...and thanks to Hypnosis, it may be healthy, do-able, & pleasant"!


Still need convincing? Check out these stats:

The greatest success in providing lasting change occurred with Hypnosis (93% recovery after 6 sessions), followed by behavior therapy (72% recovery after 22 sessions), and then psychotherapy (38% recovery after 600 sessions).

— Psychotherapy Magazine
Volume 7, Number 1
Alfred A. Barrios, PhD